Sunday, April 23, 2017

Speaking at Global Azure Bootcamp 2017 in Jakarta

Hi my dear blog readers!

I’m glad to share my experiences when I was speaking on Global Azure Bootcamp in Jakarta, on  22th April, 2017!

This is my first time speaking for Global Azure Bootcamp, many thanks to my Indonesian community DX, Irving Hutagalung and his staff, Debby, and my MUGI best friend Aprizon for giving me the chance to speak at this cool event!

Actually, Global Azure Bootcamp is a global wide event that is held simultaneously at the same day (or one day after) around the world. So there are Global Azure Bootcamp not just in Indonesia, but there were same events (but with separate speakers) in many other countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Srilanka, Philippines. Mostly organized by Microsoft’s local country DX and MVP, this event is so crucial because it has full supports from Microsoft, including free Azure pass (Azure trial subscription).


Also thanks to the hard works of Aprizon and his colleagues, we have managed to secure a space for 60 people at IDX Jakarta.

There were many questions and critics as well especially for the lack of adequate documentations about Azure, but now we have a good supports from Indonesia’s support from MIcrosoft’s local support staffs.

My session is about Azure Functions in multiple languages and the implication of having serverless applications. I had demo of Azure Functions using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 with Azure SDK 2.9.6 and Azure App Services Preview tooling installed.

This Azure App Services tool is essential, because it’s integrated with Visual Studio and supports debugging (through Azure Functions CLI) although it is in preview.


Here’s Azure Functions ran and debugged locally in Visual Studio:


Notice the Azure Functions logo shown in console of Azure Functions CLI Smile

The Azure App Services preview is available to download at:

NOTE: this tool requires that Azure SDK 2.9.6 preinstalled first on Visual Stuido 2015 Update 3.


Global Azure Bootcamp 2017 Jakarta session photos

Here are my session photos:




Yup, VIsual Studio 2015 was showing many/multiple language template!

Here are others in action: (Aprizon, Leonardo Irawan, Julius Fenata)




Well? Can’t wait to do more on the next Azure Global Bootcamp!