Hi my blog audiences!
If you have followed me last year, I have had collaboration with DevOps Indonesia meetup, now this month I have had another good collaboration with DevOps Indonesia.
On 19th May 2020, we collaborate on having joint collaboration, on behalf of DevOps Indonesia! We were having a wonderful teamwork!
This is the meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/DevOps-Indonesia/events/270642522/
I was participating as speaker to represent MUGI Jakarta, and also helping to give feedback on how the meetup should be, because this is MUGI Jakarta and DevOps Indonesia's first online meetup!
Here, we were using Zoom to host about 50 participants:
This is intriguing! Yes, I have had online remote speaking at Louisville meetup, but now I decided to record the video first and ask Mia and Wisnu from DevOps Indonesia to play the video during my session. This is necessary, because I was having unstable internet the day before the meetup.
There were 2 speakers, one is Gopesh Maindola, a Consulting Engineer from Palo Alto Networks, and then me. I'm proudly represent MUGI Jakarta! 😍
On this meetup, I presented "Adopting shift left and sift right in DevOps". I also gave more sample use cases using the proven best practices from Microsoft, the Azure Cloud design patterns and how Microsoft implements DevOps in its own organization.
First, we have opening from DevOps Indonesia. The team, Wisnu and Mia presenting DevOps Indoonesia meetup timeline:
This is me presenting in recorded video::
I gave use cases from Azure Docs page:
And another nice thing is the online meetup was live on Youtube!
You can watch the full session at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwqdIHlD0eo
Enjoy the recording video and welcome to "new normal"! 😊