Hi my blog readers! I'm now back joining the F# Advent tradition! In this Advent 2024, I discuss some of What's new in F# 9..0 in .NET 9.0 only, and the dotnet restore audit behavior in .NET SDK.
I'm sure that we had enjoyed watching dotnetConf 2024 and also as usual, the launch of .NET new release annually, now it is .NET 9.0!
This release has an odd major version, it means a STS release, not the long term as the even major version. This means the .NET 9.0 has short term sipport release. The STS always has 1.5 year support, and the LTS has 3 years of support.
I personally think although it is STS release, this .NET 9.0 is quite important release. Not just it has all of the newer features of almost all languages that comes with .NET (C# and F#, unfortunately VB is not developed anymore since .NET 6.0) but it has many notable breaking changes.
Let's start discussing what's new on F# 9.0 first.