Monday, December 23, 2024

[ADVENT 2024] What's new in F# in .NET 9.0 and .NET 9.0 SDK dotnet restore audit impact

 Hi my blog readers! I'm now back joining the F# Advent tradition! In this Advent 2024, I discuss some of What's new in F# 9..0 in .NET 9.0 only, and the dotnet restore audit behavior in .NET SDK.

I'm sure that we had enjoyed watching dotnetConf 2024 and also as usual, the launch of .NET new release annually, now it is .NET 9.0!

This release has an odd major version, it means a STS release, not the long term as the even major version. This means the .NET 9.0 has short term sipport release. The STS always has 1.5 year support, and the LTS has 3 years of support.

I personally think although it is STS release, this .NET 9.0 is quite important release. Not just it has all of the newer features of almost all languages that comes with .NET (C# and F#, unfortunately VB is not developed anymore since .NET 6.0) but it has many notable breaking changes.

Let's start discussing what's new on F# 9.0 first.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Organize dotnetConf Jakarta 2024 event and also speaking about .NET Aspire in .NET 9.0

 Hi my blog readers! On this 12th December, I organize a meetup event as relay on dotnetConf, and we call it dotnetConf 2024 Jakarta meetup! This time I also collaborate with Fadhil, he is ex-MVP and also a community leader of MUGI Bogor and Buitenzorg (IOT maker community).

Thanks again to Microsoft Indonesia for let us borrow some space for the meetup!

This is the speaking agenda that we had:
1. AI + .NET = GREAT! (by Fadhil)
2. .NET Aspire in .NET 9.0 (by me, Eriawan)
3. Performance Enhancement in ,NET 9.0 (by Ridi Ferdiana, MVP)
4. MAUI in .NET 9.0 (by Erick Kurniawan, MVP)

Due to some technical reasons, Ridi and Erick Kurniawan can only present online via Teams.

In my seesion of mine, I spoke and presented .NET Aspire on .NET 9.0, and it was about 70% demo and 30% slide deck explanation, as Aspire in ,NET 9.0 is so much better than Aspire before .NET 9.0. Initially Aspire will be released out of band. This means .NET Aspire has its own release schedule, unlike .NET Core that is always released annually.

This is me showing the Aspire Dashboard's Metrics:

This is Fadhil, presenting "AI + .NET = GREAT" to showcase AI in .NET 9.0!

This is Ridi, he presented the Perf enhancement in .NET 9:

This is the photo event taken at the end of the meetup: (with Erick Kurniawan online on the screen 😊 )

 It's a total excitement!

See you on next year dotnetConf!

Friday, March 8, 2024

Speaking at DotnetConf 2023 on 28th February 2024, organized by MUGI Bogor

 Hi my readers! This time I spoke at one of .NET themed event, the DotnetConf 2023, on 28th February 2024. I was asked by Fadhil, he is ex-MVP and also a community leader of MUGI Bogor and Buitenzorg (IOT maker community).

Thanks to Microsoft Indonesia for let us borrow some space for the meetup!

This .NET Conf (or DotnetConf) is in sync with annual .NET Conf from Microsoft, and we are always celebrating annual new major release of .NET since .NET 5.0!

Yes, .NET since .NET 5.0 will always have major release annually, with emphasize on both LTS on even version number and STS on odd version number, see also this official blogpost from Microsoft: 

Pictures of the event and my presentation

I deliver presentation on What's new in C# 12 in .NET 8.0, using Visual Studio 2022 with .NET 8.0 202 SDK, and I enjoyed the audience attention so much because of the questions that keep coming at me :)

My session is not the first one, so I have got the chance to have pictures with Fadhil and Andik Susilo (the one that presents Monitoring Your Application with AppInsight)

Here's the pic: 

In .NET and C#, language advances are not so aggressive, because language advances must align with .NET CLR, and this is a good practice as .NET has known for its support for multiple programming languages, not just C#.

Yes, I have a demo with solution and projects, here it is the repo: 

The notable feature is the C# primary constructors. which is taken inspiration from F#.

Here it is the F# counterpart:

Further code sample are also available on my repo.

Happy coding!